Calvary Breakfast Bunch
Join Us every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Fun Fact
According to the biblical account, Abram (who is later named Abraham),
is called by God to leave his own country and people and journey to an undesignated land, where he
will become the founder of a new nation.
It is a story of how God reveals Himself to a man, calls and chooses him for a
daunting mission, and then tests him to see how he will respond - to see if he has
the capacity to carry out the mission successfully.
The story of Abraham is rooted in history, as is our faith. The history of our
salvation, that is, the history of God's relationship with His people, especially as
shown in the way He saves His people time and time again, begins with the story
of Abraham.
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This Lesson's Focus is God changes us.
God calls Abraham (4:33)
Abraham gets a message from God to move house. He has no idea why or where, but he
goes anyway. He makes an offering to God to seal the pact. From Genesis 12 and 15.