Calvary Breakfast Bunch
Join Us every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

The Program
The Breakfast Bunch Curriculum is built around the Revised Common Lectionary that celebrates the seasons of the Church year. The
program provides many options to instructors of how to present the week’s lesson, including projects, competitions, reflective
questions, modern-day connections, and much more. The older students are able to connect their Sunday School lesson with Pastor’s
sermon each week, thus helping to reinforce the characters and concepts of each bible story. Similarly, the Pre-School and Kindergarten
children enjoy learning through the “Young Children and Worship” program. This curriculum allows students to explore bible stories
using numerous manipulatives.

Sharing a Meal
The Breakfast Bunch consists of breakfast and fellowship every Sunday, followed by a prayer and classroom time. The program serves
a variety of healthy food items along with some treats for breakfast for the students, teachers, and parents who choose to stay.
While the feasting is seen as a treat by the students, the program is meant to promote fellowship with each other.

The Breakfast Bunch program is for young people ages 3 through 7th grade.
We meet starting at 9:00 am on Sundays. We'll be serving a light breakfast with some healthy options.
After breakfast at approximately 9:15 am, the students break with a prayer and head to their respective classrooms by age group.
There are two independent classrooms: PreK – Second Grades and Third Grade through Sixth Grades.
Lecture and activities continue until 10:00 am.
Thank you so much to all the teachers who dedicate their time, skills, and passion to teaching our young. Their commitment is
greatly appreciated and to be commended.
All families are welcome at Calvary. See you there!
