Calvary Breakfast Bunch
Join Us every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Breakfast Bunch Registration Form
Registration entails the completion of a simple data sheet. We gather information on the students and parents for information and contact
purposes. For example, as the children will be provided breakfast, we want to ensure we have information on possible allergens. Simply
complete the two-page registration form below and return it to The Breakfast Bunch box in the lobby or the church office. We only need
one form per family. Be sure to include all of your children. The Breakfast Bunch is a place where children can feel like they belong
and grow through Bible-based lessons. We are privileged to be able to teach them about God’s love. Thank you!
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Every first Sunday from October through May
NOTE: Due to Covid-19, the First Sunday program is currently suspended. As conditions change, and we
resume entrance into Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary, we will resume the program.
The First Sunday program, usually occurring on the first Sundays of October through May, involves
short, simple services designed for young children and their families providing an interactive worship
experience. The services include
a story, movement, music, sacrament, and a snack.
Third Graders and up will continue to meet for the Breakfast Bunch and learn how they are blessed. We are very pleased with the turnout
for these Sundays and are excited to see both Calvary members and CNSCC families enjoying the worship opportunities.
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Coffee, Conversation & Communion
Gather in Fellowship Hall for this informal service. The sermon will be in discussion format, allowing us to share with each other what it means to be a faithful follower of God. This service will have a little liturgy and Communion; no music unless we sing unaccompanied. Coffee donated by Track 5 and goodies donated by Breadsmith will sweeten this time of fellowship/ worship.
3C Worship is at 9am on Sundays (except on the First Sunday of every month) from October to May – while the children meet for The Breakfast Bunch, adults can share 3Cs.
