Calvary Lutheran Church Invites You to Join the Breakfast Bunch
  Calvary Breakfast Bunch
Join Us every Sunday
at 9:00 a.m.


Where young people ages 3 through 7th
Grade meet together every Sunday morning
while learning about God's Word.



   Upcoming Lessons   
11/10/2024The Widow's Offering

In today's lesson, Jesus tells his disciples that the Pharisees are pretending to be people that they are not. In many ways, some people today do the same (pretend to be someone they are not).... Well, one person that never pretended to be someone He was not was Jesus. Since Jesus wasn't pretending, then we can actually learn from Him what he was teaching and doing. We can do this by reading and talking about the Jesus' stories in the Bible - just like we're doing.

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9am - 10am
11/17/2024Be Ready (Pentecost)

When things fall apart..., Jesus reminds us that God is always with us, and is always wanting to help us know what to do for ourselves and others.

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9am - 10am
11/24/2024Christ the King

Jesus is the kind of king that invites people to follow him, unlike a regular king who is king "over" people whether they like it or not.... Jesus is not a king who tells people to do things for him. Each of us get to choose if we want Him to be our king.

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9am - 10am

As a society we are preparing the way to Christmas. Few are ready and many will not be totally prepared until the last minute.... Historically the season of Advent was a time of meditation, worship and penitence. It was a time to withdraw from worldly activities and be a time of quiet reflection. But for us the season of Advent has become busy, overwhelming and frantic. Although we are preparing for the arrival of the "Prince of Peace," the days of Advent are anything but peaceful. In this week's lesson we learn that Zechariah's preparations for the coming Lord were quite different than ours in the days prior to Christmas.

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9am - 10am
12/15/2024John the Baptist

John the Baptist was also known as John the Baptizer. He must have been an interesting person. He didn't live in the city. He lived out in the desert, or wilderness.... He didn't eat hamburgers and French fries; he ate locusts and honey. He didn't wear a suit, or even jeans and a tea shirt; he wore clothes made out of camel's skin and he had a leather belt around his waist. So what did John do that was so special?

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9am - 10am
12/22/2024Mary Visits Elizabeth

Have you visited a frind who is expecting? Have you visited them during their hospital stay?... It is very common to visit friends and family when they are expecting a new family member. The same occurs in this week's lesson as Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. It may have been a glorious visit as both were expecting...

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9am - 10am



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