01/12/2025 | Jesus Baptism
The next time someone gives you a hug I want you to remember the day Jesus was
For on that day the Father showed Jesus how pleased he was with him and it made Jesus feel good!
Will you do that? Will you give someone a hug today to show them how much you care about them?
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| 9am - 10am |
01/19/2025 | Wedding at Cana
Early in Jesus's ministry, there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana in Galilee. During the celebration, the wine supply ran out. ... Mary must have known the bride and groom well and didn't want anything to bring down the excitement. Mary knew Jesus was special and could help. So, Mary, told the servants to listen to Jesus and do whatever he says. This still rings true today.
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| 9am - 10am |
01/26/2025 | Jesus Goes to Nazareth
If your children are like my children, they don't always listen. "Are you listening to me?", or "What did I just tell you?" are common phrases in our household unfortunately.... These can be reminders that sometimes we as adults don't always listen as well, or listen but don't act. In today's lesson Jesus is telling the people that "if the people would listen to and then DO what they hear being read in the scripture passage, then the good news would actually happen."
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| 9am - 10am |
02/02/2025 | Jeremiah
"I just can't do it!" Have you ever said that? Of course you have, we have all said that at one time or another. So did a man named Jeremiah from our lesson today when God spoke to him... and said, "Before you were even born, I chose you to be my prophet to all the nations." There will be times in your life when God will come to you and ask you to do something special for him. He may call you to be a preacher, a missionary, or a Sunday School teacher. Whatever it is that God calls you to do in this life, remember what he said to Jeremiah, "Don't say, 'I can't!'" If God calls you to do something, he will reach out his hand and touch your life to give you the ability to do it.
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| 9am - 10am |
02/09/2025 | The Disciples
Some people like to go fishing only if they are guaranteed to catch something.... The Bible tells us that, with Jesus's help, Peter and his fishermen started pulling the nets up with so many fish that the nets began to break. When their boats came onto the shore, they left everything, and followed Jesus. From that day on, Peter and his friends fished for people and brought many into God's kingdom. Jesus wants you and me to fish for people too. If we will be faithful in telling people about Jesus and his love, we can trust Jesus to bring in the catch!
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| 9am - 10am |
02/16/2025 | The Beatitudes
If you ask someone, "How can you live your life to enter the Kingdom of God?", the typical answer may be "Follow the Ten Commandments."... However, someone can also state that "how you live your life" is as important as "what you do in your life" - behaviors count. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us guidelines for our behavior. Follow our lesson on the Beatitudes to find out how.
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| 9am - 10am |
02/23/2025 | Joseph Feeds His Family
There are times when someone wronged us and we got angry about it.... Those things hurt us. We have to make choices every day about whether to forgive people. In today's Bible lesson, Joseph had a choice. He could choose to punish his brothers for what they had done to him, or he could forgive them and reunite with them. Joseph chose forgiveness, and God wants us to forgive others, too.
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| 9am - 10am |
03/02/2025 | The Transfiguration
Take a look at these letters: M O M - Does that spell MOM or does that spell WOW? It's a matter of
perspective isn't it? Writing MOM on a piece of paper can be read multiple ways just by turning the
paper in a different direction. It's the same paper - but we're seeing it in whole new
Something similar happens in this week's lesson. Several of the disciples are walking with Jesus up a
high mountain when all of a sudden they see him in a new and different way. His clothes suddenly
become a dazzling white and they hear the voice of God explaining that "this is my Son." There's
a special name for this in the Bible. Join us Sunday to find out what it is.
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| 9am - 10am |
03/09/2025 | Tempted
When we feel too much stress, we then say and do things we wouldn't normally say and do. We get impatient and annoyed.
We might even snap..., where one moment we seem ok and then the next moment for no real reason we're just really angry.
In today's lesson about Jesus, we hear that Jesus is experiencing quite a bit of stress. But Jesus did not snap. When
stress happens, it's easy to forget who we really are - we forget that we are God's gift, and instead, we snap.
But we don't have to snap.
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| 9am - 10am |